Wednesday, April 29, 2009

what's in my pocket book

go to
go to this site here below
order my book

Monday, March 16, 2009


my next exploration is about fingerprints.

Fingerprints are an excellent way to identify suspects and record important clues found at the scene of the crime. Fingerprints are created by oil and sweat that collects between the ridges of skin on your fingers. When you touch a smooth or flat surface, a small pattern is created on that surface. Every single person in the world has a different set of fingerprints.

There are four distinct types of fingerprints.


here are the different parts of a print:

Look at your fingers can you find all the different parts on your finger and identify what type of print you have?

(soon to come: different people's fingerprints)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sound map

My next Exploration is Sound Mapping.
I decided to sit on my front porch for an hour and listen to all the sounds. As i heard them i wrote down a list and one word that described it.
1) cars = skidding
2)dog = bark
3)airplane = fly
4)tree = wind
5)tv = loud
6)kids = annoying
7)telephone = not home
8)cat = hungry
9)people = above
10)bird = singing
11)firetruck = ringing
12)door = slamming
13)car = not starting
14)dish = break
15)conversation = what are you doing?
16)music = favorite
17)squirrel = crunching
18)branch = falling
19)trash = bang
20)bike = ching ching
21)neighbors = laughing

Exploration #13 Collecting Type

For my next exploration i decided to collect type.
I decided to collect type from all over; from books to signs on the street, to internet, to just random little papers i find. Here is a couple of collages i have placed together using the type I've collected. The first one is of a couple of road signs, writing, a magazine clip, a part of posters. The second one is of a few more signs, writing, book cover, and parts of a poster. The final one is of all the type I collected, road signs, bottles, magazine clip, book covers, and parts of posters.

Monday, February 2, 2009


For my second exploration i decided to do #11. Im suppose to collect mutiples of one object and i decided to do ten leaves in my front yard. But to get a variety with the little trees i have i decided to pick one up every ten steps i took. Then i laid them out in front of me and documented 25 things that were different about them, here is the list:
ragged edged
smooth edge
can see vains better than others

Monday, January 26, 2009

#9 - Miniture Museum

I decided to do exploration number 9 "The Miniature Museum" for my first explore. I decided to walk around my house instead of outside to find little objects. It was a little harder than i thought because i wanted to find objects that were no bigger than a quarter. I first walked around my living room and found a plastic baby rattle that you would put on a cupcake. Then i had found a penny in the couch, then a BB on the bookshelf. then next to that on the floor was a Sonic peppermint. Now i decided to try the kitchen. I found a old goldfish by the trashcan, then a fortune from the Chinese food I had last night. I also found a piece of trash in the hallway, a gold ring on my dresser in my room, a nickle in my empty piggy bank, a can tab from my soda next to my t.v., a thumb tack in my wall, and finally a candy corn in my cat's mouth. As I found my objects I had placed them all in an egg carton.